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Michael P Underbrink, MD, MBA, FACS

Michael P Underbrink, MD, MBA, FACS


2012 – 2013
Physician Leadership Academy, University of Texas Medical Center and the University of                              Houston Clear Lake, Galveston, Texas


2005 – 2007
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Seattle, Washington


2004 – 2005
Clinical Laryngeal Fellowship, University of Washington Medical Center,
Seattle, Washington


2000 – 2004 
Residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch,                          Galveston, Texas


1999 – 2000 
Internship in General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, Texas


1995 – 1999
Doctor of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center,
Houston, Texas


1993 – 1995
Master of Business Administration, University of Houston – Clear Lake,
Clear Lake, Texas


1988 – 1992
Bachelor of Science, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas




 American Board of Otolaryngology – 06/01/05,

 Certificate #18698




State of Texas             M6923, exp 02/28/19 (active)

State of Washington   00043509, exp 04/15/07 (inactive)




2019 – present                       

Medical Director, Houston Voice Center, AFF Houston ENT & Allergy, Houston, TX

2019 – present                       

Private Practice, Houston Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy, Houston, TX

2019 – present                       

Associate Clinical Professor, AFF Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX

2015 – 2019
Associate Professor, Departments of Otolaryngology, and Microbiology & Immunology,                                University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX

2015 – 2019
Seth Mabry Morris Distinguished Professor in Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical                          Branch, Galveston, TX

2015 – 2019
Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health (CIRWH), University of Texas                Medical Branch, Galveston, TX

2013 – 2019
Medical Director, Ambulatory Otolaryngology Clinics, University of Texas Medical Branch,                          Galveston, TX

2012 – 2019
Scholar (Phase II), Translational Research Program, Institute for Translational Sciences,                              University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2012 – 2019
Faculty, Graduate Program in Microbiology and Immunology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2012 – 2019
Faculty, Sealy Center for Vaccine Development,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2010 – 2019
Director, Voice and Swallowing Clinic,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2008 – 2016 
Director, Resident Research, Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2013 – 2016
Course Director, Department of Otolaryngology Grand Rounds CME Course,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2007 – 2015 
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Departments of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,                    and Microbioloyg & Immunology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2011 – 2014
Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2008 – 2013
Medical Director of Quality and Safety, Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2008 – 2010
Regional Medical Director (Northern Area), Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas  Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2007 – 2008 
Director, Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Clinic,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

2005 – 2007 
Research Fellow, University of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Seattle, WA. 
Mentor:  Dr. Denise Galloway.

2004 – 2005
Clinical Fellow (Laryngology), Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery,                              University of Washington Medical Center,
Seattle, WA

2000 – 2004 
Resident, Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

1999 – 2000
Intern, Department of Surgery,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX

Research Assistant to Roy Herbst, MD, M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX

1994 – 1995
Research Assistant to Razelle Kurzrock, MD, M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX

1992 – 1994 
Research Assistant to Meir Wetzler, M.D., 
Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX.





2019 – present                       

Faculty Attending, ORL Emergencies Boot Camp, Departments of Otolaryngology and Anesthesiology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 


2021 – present                       

Focused Professional Practice Proctor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2015 – 2019
Faculty Lecturer, Robotic Surgery 101 Minimester,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2007 – 2019
Faculty Lecturer, Basic Introductory Course for Otolaryngology Junior Residents,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2007 – 2019
Attending Faculty. Resident and Medical Student Education in the OR & Clinic settings,                                University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX

2011 – 2013   
Faculty Lecturer, Fundamentals of Critical Care Seminar, Multidisciplinary Educational                              Seminar Series, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2004 – 2007
Clinical Instructor. Resident and Medical Student Education in the OR & Clinic settings,                              University of Washington – Medical Center and VA Hospital, Seattle, WA





Areas of Research


Basic Science
The role of viral cofactors in the transformation of normal epithelial cells.
Mechanisms of human papillomavirus infection and transformation of normal epithelial cells.
Molecular profiling of HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinoma tumor derived cells.


Clinical Laryngology  
The clinical pathophysiology of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease processes.
The clinical pathophysiology and epidemiology of HPV related head and neck diseases


Research Grant Support



K08DC010337-01A1              “The Effect of HPV on Apoptosis and Cellular

NIDCD, NIH                                     Proliferation in Laryngeal Papillomas”

Mentored Career                         Role: Principal Investigator (75% effort)

Development Award                  Total direct cost: $1,106,730

                                                                  07/01/2011 – 06/30/2017



5T32DC000018-24                 “Research Training in Otolaryngology”

NIH                                                      Role:  Senior Research Fellow (100% effort)

                                                               Total cost:  $104,000

                                                               07/01/2005 – 06/30/2007



American Academy of           “The effects of HHV-8 on HPV transformed cell lines”

Otolaryngology –                    Role: Principal Investigator (50% effort)

Triological Society                 Total cost: $25,000                

Resident Training                   07/01/2002 – 06/30/2003

Grant Award                          





2019 – present                       

Medical Director, Houston Voice Center, AFF Houston ENT & Allergy, Houston, TX


2013 – 2019 
Medical Director, Ambulatory Otolaryngology Clinics, University of Texas Medical Branch,                        Galveston, TX


2011 – 2019
Founder & Director, Minimally Invasive Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) Program,                                    University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2008 – 2013
Founder & Director, Voice and Swallowing Clinic, University of Texas Medical Branch,                                  Galveston, TX


2008 – 2013
Medical Director, Quality and Safety, Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2008 – 2010 
Regional Medical Director (Northern Area), Department of Otolaryngology,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2007 – 2008   
Director, Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Clinic,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX







2010 – 2016                      American Academy of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck

                                                    Surgery – Infectious Disease Committee

2010 – 2016                      American Academy of Otolaryngology, Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) Grant Review Committee




2014 – 2019                  Ambulatory Clinical Leadership Executive Committee

2014 – 2019                 Radiation Safety Committee

2011 – 2019             Minimally Invasive Services (Robotic) Committee

2007 – 2019                 Laser Safety Subcommittee (Chair, 2012 - present)

2016 – 2017                      Clincal Safety & Effectiveness Program: Migrating Instrumentation for Sterile Processing                                                                       Department

2015 – 2017                      Patient Experience & Satisfaction Committee:  UTMB Transparency Initiative

2014 – 2015                      Academic Enterprise 2020 Goal 4.4 Committee:  Evaluate Extending Performance Based                                                                       Compensation Deeper into the Academic Enterprise

2013 – 2014                      Academic Enterprise Strategic Refresh Committee

2013 – 2014                      Liaison Committee on Medical Education

2012 – 2013                      My Chart Executive Committee

2012 – 2013                      Physician Leadership Academy

2010 – 2011                      Adult ICU Subcommittee

2008 – 2013                      Quality Care Committee




2010 – 2019                 Clinical Competency Committee for Resident Training

2011 – 2016                  Director, Resident Research Committee

2011 – 2013                  Budget Committee for Resident Training

2007 – 2013                 Director, Morbidity and Mortality Conference






2012 – 2019 
Faculty, Graduate Program in Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2012 – 2019     
Faculty, Sealy Center for Vaccine Development, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2012 – 2019 
Proctor, for Da Vinci Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), Department of Otolaryngology - HNS, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX



2007 – 2019  
Faculty Instructor, Basic Introductory Course and Didactics, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2016 – 2019
Practice of Medicine 2 (POM2) Instructor for 2nd year Medical Students, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX



2008 – 2016
Director, Resident Research, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2013 – 2016 
Course Director, Department of Otolaryngology Grands Rounds CME Course, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2011 – 2014 
Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX


2010, 2011, 2014 
Medical Student Summer Research Program, Faculty Mentor, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX


2011 – 2014
Practice of Medicine 2 (POM2) Instructor for 2nd year Medical Students, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX


2010 – 2014   
Practice of Medicine 1 (POM1) Instructor for 1st year Medical Students, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX


Research Mentees/Advisees/Trainees


Graduate students:

Jia Wang  2012 – 2017 McLaughlin Fellowship

Recipient (funded 2014 – 2016), UTMB

Arthur and Dorothy Barrett Scholarship (2015)


            Medical students:
Ross Patton                       2009 – 2010
Marcus Behrens                    2010 – 2011
Sharon Hughes                      2011
Simukayi Mutasa                  2012 – 2013
Danielle Smith                      2012
Jordan Brewer                      2013
Palak Patel                            2014 – 2017               
2014 MSSRP Research Poster Session – winner Faculty Women’s Caucus Award for Excellence in Research

Jeffrey Jones                         2014

Rachel Ray Styer                  2014

Julian Vellucci                      2015

Bailey Leconte                      2016




Resident physicians

Regina Rodman                   2010 – 2013 
2nd Place – 2012 Houston Society of Otolaryngology Annual Resident Competition

Ross Patton                       2012 – 2015

Naren Venkatesan                2012 – 2014

Benjamin Walton                 2013 – 2014

Matthew Yantis                    2014 – present            
2015 Byron Bailey Surgical Society Resident Research Award Winner

Jeremy Foon                         2015 – present           
2016 Byron Bailey Surgical
Society Resident Research
Award Winner




2019- present              National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association 

2014 – present            International Papillomavirus Society

2012 – present            Fellow, American College of Surgeons

2012 – present            Member, South Texas Chapter, ACS

2009 – present            Member, Houston Society of Otolaryngology

2005 – present            Fellow, American Academy of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

2001 – present            Texas Political Action Committee

2000 – present           Texas Medical Association

2011 – 2012                Member, American College of Surgeons

2000 – 2005                Member, American Academy of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

1999 – 2004                American Medical Association

2000 – 2003                Texas Medical Association

2001 – 2003                Texas Political Action Committee 




2017                              Teaching Excellence Award, Byron Bailey Surgical Society, UTMB

2015                               Award of Tenure, UTMB

2015 – 2017              Seth Maby Morris Professorship in Otolaryngology, UTMB

2013 – 2016              National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Award

2011 – 2016              Clinical Scientist Career Development Award (K08), NIDCD, NIH

2012 – 2013              Selected to Inaugural UTMB Physician Leadership Academy

2004                               Resident Award for Best Scientific Contribution of the Year to the Combined Otolaryngological                                                         Spring Meeting (Triological Society)

2002                               AAO-HNS Triological Society Training Grant Award

1998                               Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society

1998                               Dierks Surgical Scholarship Award

1988 – 1992              C.J. Red Davidson Scholarship Award





2014                29th International Papillomavirus Conference and Clinical Workshop, Seattle, WA, August 2014

2014                Virology World Congress, San Antonio, TX, October 2014






NIH Grant Review, Communication Disorders Review Committee (NIDCD) study section, 02/18/2016 – 02/19/2016


NIH Grant Review, Communication Disorders Review Committee (NIDCD) study section, 02/19/2015 – 02/20/2015


American Academy of Otolaryngology, Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE), March 2010-2014, 2016




Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery


Head and Neck

Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery

JAMA Otolaryngology






 Impact Factor (IF), Citation Index (CI), as of July 2017






1.  Coggins JM, Wright C, Underbrink MP. “An 18-Year-Old Female Experiences Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis during Mild COVID-19 Infection”. Case Rep Otolaryngol. 2022 July 8. Article ID 6059487. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/6059487. PMID: 35818376


2.     Walton B, Vellucci J, Patel PB, Jennings K, McCammon S, Underbrink MP.  “Post-Laryngectomy stricture and pharyngocutaneous fistula: Review of techniques in primary pharyngeal reconstruction in laryngectomy”.  Clin Otolaryngol. 2017 May 19. doi: 10.1111/coa.12905. [Epub ahead of print]; PMID: 28544550



3.     Son EL, Underbrink MP, Qiu S, Resto VA. “The surgical plane for lingual tonsillectomy:  an anatomic study”.  J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Apr 5; 45(1):22. PMID: 27044530.



4.     Wang J, Dupuis C, Tyring S, Underbrink MP.  “Sterile α Motif Domain Containing 9 is a Novel Cellular Interacting Partner to Low-risk Type Human Papillomavirus E6 Proteins”.  PLoS one.  2016 Feb 22; 11(2):e0149859. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0149859.  PMID: 26901061.



5.     Underbrink MP, Dupuis C, Albrecht T, Tyring S. “E6 Proteins from Low Risk Human Papillomavirus Types 6 and 11 are able to Protect Keratinocytes from Apoptosis via Bak Degradation”. J Gen Virol. 2016 Jan 7. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000392. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 26743580



6.     Smith D, Coughlin A, Qiu S, Underbrink MP. “Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Larynx:  A Case Report”.  Otolaryngology. Feb 2015; 5:193. doi:10.4172/2161-119X.1000103



7.     Walton B, Gleinser D, Boroumand N, Watts T, Underbrink M. “Microscopic thymoma and parathyroid adenoma: rare combination of two distinct pathologies”. Rare Tumors. 2014 Jun 25; 6(2): 5197. PMID: 25002944.



8.     Venkatesan NN, Gnagi SH, Underbrink MP. “Role of Intra-Operative Nerve Monitoring in Thyroidectomies: An Institutional Review”. Int J Otol HNS. Jan 2014; 3(1). doi: 10.4236/ijohns.2014.34029.



9.     Rodman R, Mutasa S, Dupuis C, Spratt H, Underbrink M. “Genetic Dysregulation in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis”. Laryngoscope 2014 Aug; 124(8): E320-5. PMID:  24449512. [Epub 2014 Mar 11]



10.     Pham V, Rana N, Underbrink MP, Siddiqui F, Mukerji S, Pine H. “Postoperative Outcomes in Coblation versus Electrocautery Tonsillectomies”.  Int J Otol HNS. Jan 2014; 3(1): 32-41. DOI: 10.4236/ijohns.2014.31008




11.  Venkatesan NN, Pine HS, Underbrink M. “Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease in children”. Pediatr Clin North Am. Aug 2013; 60(4): 865 – 78. PMID: 23905824




12.  Venkatesan NN, Pine HS, Underbrink MP. “Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis”. Otol Clinics of NA. Vol 45 (3): 671-694.  June 2012. PMID:  22588043




13.  Ho KH, Wright CC, Underbrink MP.  A rare case of laryngeal dystonia associated with neurosyphilis:  response to botulinum toxin injection. Laryngoscope. Jan 2011; 121(1):147-9.  PMID:  21154825



14.  Gleinser D, Font JP, Clement CG, Mohammed BS, Underbrink MP.  Primary myxoid liposarcoma of the supraglottic larynx.  Rare Tumors 2010 Sep 30;2(3):e41.  PMID:  21139957R




15.  Underbrink MP, Howie HL, Bedard KM, Koop JI, Galloway DA.  The E6 proteins from multiple beta HPV types degrade Bak and protect keratinocytes from apoptosis after UVB irradiation. J Virol. 2008 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18715924




16.  Bedard KM, Underbrink MP, Howie HL, Galloway DA. The E6 oncoproteins from human betapapillomaviruses differentially activate telomerase through an E6AP-dependent mechanism and prolong the lifespan of primary keratinocytes. J Virol. 2008 Apr;82(8):3894-902. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18256157




17.  Underbrink MP, Hoskins SL, Pou AM, Albrecht T.  Viral interaction: a possible contributing factor in head and neck cancer progression. Acta Otolaryngol. 2008 May 21:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18607925




18.  M.Wetzler, R. Kurzrock, Z. Estrov, M.P. Underbrink, and M. Talpaz. “Altered Levels of Interleukin – 1b and Interleukin – 1 Receptor Antagonist in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia:  Clinical and Prognostic Correlates.”  Blood.  84(9):  3142-3147, 1994 November.  PMID:  7949186







  1. Wang J and Underbrink MP. “Epidemiology of Low-Risk Human Papillomavirus”. In L. Akst, Section ed. Current Otorhinolaryngology Reports. June 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 99-106. United States, Springer publisher; 2016.
  2. Coughlin AM, Qui S, Underbrink MP. “Management of Human Papillomavirus-Related Head and Neck Malignancies”. In: Ramirez MK, Khan F, Tyring S, eds. Current Problems in Dermatology. Basel, Switzerland. Karger publishers; 2014






  1. B Yang and MP Underbrink. “Laryngeal Carcinoma”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). June 2017 (in process)
  2. RL Walker and MP Underbrink. “Keep your Chin Up!: Osseous and Augmentation Genioplasty”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). June 2017 (in process)
  3. J Ohlstein and MP Underbrink. “Phonosurgery: Open Neck Approaches to Voice Restoration”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). April 2017 (in process)
  4. S Smith and MP Underbrink. “Benign Vocal Cord Lesions”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). December 2016 (in process)
  5. S Smith and MP Underbrink. "Laryngeal Reinnervation". In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). February 2016 (in process)
  6. E Tignor and MP Underbrink. "Source Filter Theory: What's in a Voice?". In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). December 2015. (in process)
  7. C Prze and MP Underbrink. "Laryngomalacia and Causes of Stridor in the Newborn". In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). December 2015. (in process)
  8. J Russell and MP Underbrink. "State of the art midface rejuvenation". In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook. W Szremeta (ed.). October 2015. (in process)
  9. SR Patton and MP Underbrink. “Nasal Orbital Ethmoid Fractures”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook: B. Quinn (ed.). Novermber 2014
  10. EL Son and MP Underbrink. “Non-cosmetic Applications of Botox in the Head and Neck. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Sep 2014.
  11. S Smith and MP Underbrink. “Benign Vocal Fold Lesions” In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Nov 2013
  12. JL Russell and MP Underbrink. “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease?” In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook: B. Quinn (ed.). Nov 2013
  1. NN Venkatesan and MP Underbrink. “Treatment of Early Glottic Cancer: Radiation versus Transoral Laser Microsurgery”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.) Oct 2013


  1. BF Walton and MP Underbrink. “Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) and HPV (+) Oropharyngeal Surgery”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook: B. Quinn (ed.). Sept 2013


  1. AM Coughlin and MP Underbrink. “Surgical Management of Extra-esophageal Reflux Disease”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.) Jan 2013


  1. A Natili and MP Underbrink. “Got the Jitters? Voice as symptom and treatment  measure in Parkinson’s Disease”. In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Jan 2013


  1. R Darling and MP Underbrink. “Transoral Laser Surgery in Laryngeal Cancer”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Jan 2013.


  1. AM Coughlin and MP Underbrink. “Surgical Management of Advanced and Recurrent Subglottic Stenosis.”  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Oct 2011.


  1. BF Walton and MP Underbrink. “Esophagology and Esophagoscopy.” In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Oct 2011.


  1. FG Pernas and MP Underbrink. “Treatment of Vocal Fold Paralysis.”  In Dr. Qunn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Oct 2011.


  1. BF Walton and MP Underbrink. “Management of the Emergent Airway”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Mar 2011.


  1. NN Venkatesan and MP Underbrink. “Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis”.  In

Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  F.B. Quinn (ed.). Feb 2011.


  1. J D’Souza and MP Underbrink. “Zenker’s Diverticulum”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). May 2010.


  1. KH Ho and MP Underbrink. “Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Aug 2009.


  1. VH Pham and MP Underbrink. “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Aug 2009.


  1. FG Pernas and MP Underbrink. “Benign lesions on Vocal Cords Causing Hoarseness”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Mar 2009.


  1. O Revelo and MP Underbrink. “Spasmodic Dysphonia:  Evaluation and Management”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Mar 2009.


  1. M Kharodawala and MP Underbrink. “Unsedated Office-Based Laryngeal Surgery”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). April 2008.


  1. JP Font and MP Underbrink. “Esophageal Dysphagia”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Feb 2008.


  1. C Wright and MP Underbrink. “Laser Surgery for Laryngeal Cancer”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Nov 2007.


  1. M Domanski and MP Underbrink. “Pediatric Neck Masses”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.). Oct 2007.


  1. MP Underbrink and SD Newlands. “Medical Management of Vestibular Disorders and Vestibular Rehabilitation”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Mar 2004.


  1. MP Underbrink and AM Pou. “The Principles of Radiation Oncology”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Dec 2003.


  1. MP Underbrink and AM Pou. “Laryngeal Trauma”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Sep 2003.


  1. MP Underbrink and AM Pou. “Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Feb 2003.


  1. MP Underbrink and K Calhoun. “Eyelid Reconstruction”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Dec 2002.


  1. MP Underbrink and A Gadre. “Cholesteatoma”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Sep 2002.


  1. MP Underbrink and AM Pou. “Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Feb 2002.


  1. MP Underbrink and BJ Bailey. “Evaluation and Management of the Patient with a Neck Mass”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Dec 2001.


  1. MP Underbrink and SD Newlands. “Orbital Tumors”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn and M.W. Ryan (eds.).  Oct 2001.


  1. MP Underbrink and R Deskin. “The Syndromal Child”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  May 2001.


  1. MP Underbrink and J Vrabec. “Infections of the External Ear”.  In Dr. Quinn’s Online Textbook:  B. Quinn (ed.).  Mar 2001.







  1. Smith D, Coughlin A, Qui S, Underbrink MP. “Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Larynx”. Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October


  1. BF Walton, D Gleinser, N Boroumand, T Watts, MP Underbrink. “Spindle Cell Thymoma and Parathyroid Adenoma: Rare Combination of Two distinct Pathologies”. American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 2013.





  1. M Yantis*, N Venkatesan, R Alexander, MP Underbrink. Comparison of Pharyngeal pH Probe Results to the Reflux Finding Score in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease. Oral Presentation (*presenter). Combined Otolaryngologic Spring Meeting: Triologic Society Meeting. Chicago, IL. May 2016.
  2. M Yantis, N Venkatesan, MP Underbrink. Analyzing the Reflux Symptom Index Using Pharyngeal pH Probe Findings. Combined Otolaryngologic Spring Meeting. Chicago, IL. May 2016.


  1. J Wang, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. Low-risk type human papillomavirus E6 proteins bind to sterile α motif domain-containing 9 (SAMD9). 12th World Congress on Inflammation. Boston, MA. August 2015.


  1. R Rodman, S Mutasa, C Dupuis, H Spratt, MP Underbrink*. “Genetic Dysregulation in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis”. Oral Presentation (* presenter). 4th World Congress on Virology. San Antonio, TX. October 2014
  2. L Sonstein, S El Said, O Ojo, MP Underbrink. Improving Inpatient Patient Satisfaction (Care Provider Scores).  UT System Shared Vision Conference.  San Antonio, TX October    *3rd place winner.
  3. J Wang, C Dupuis, S Tyring, MP Underbrink. “Identification of novel interacting proteins to low-risk human papillomavirus E6 proteins”. 29th International Papillomavirus Conference and Clinical Workshop.  Seattle, WA.  August 2014.


  1. S Patton and MP Underbrink. “Correlation of the Reflux Finding Score with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease”. American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. October 2014


  1. NN Venkatesan and MP Underbrink. “Laryngeal Lipoma: Case Report and Review of Literature”. Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), Las Vegas, NV.  May 2014.


  1. R Rodman*, S Mutasa, C Dupuis, H Spratt, MP Underbrink. “Genetic Dysregulation in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis”. Oral Presentation (* presenter). Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM). Orlando, FL.  May 2013.


  1. NN Venkatesan, S Hughes, and MP Underbrink. “The role of intra-operative nerve monitoring in thyroidectomy.”  Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), Chicago, IL.  May 2011.


  1. KH Ho, C Wright, MP Underbrink. A rare case of laryngeal dystonia associated with neurosyphilis: response to Botulinum toxin injection”.  Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM), Phoenix, AZ. May 2009.


  1. X Fan, L Scott, MP Underbrink, Hersey, M. “Resolution of cricopharyngeal bar with botox injection combined with esophageal dilation”.  73rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, Orlando, FL.  October 2008.  American Journal of Gastroenterology Vol 103: S6-S8.


  1. MP Underbrink, SL Hoskins, T Albrecht, and AM Pou. “The effects of human herpesvirus – 8 on a human papillomavirus transformed cell line”.  Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM) :  Triological Society.  Phoenix, AZ.  April 2004.


  1. MP Underbrink, SL Hoskins, F Bodola, T Albrecht, and AM Pou. “Real-Time RT-PCR for detection of the HPV-16 E6 and E7 genes”.  American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Annual Meeting.  Orlando, FL.  October 2003.




  1. J Wang, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. Human papillomavirus type 11 e6 interacts with sterile alpha motif domain containing 9 (SAMD9). 2015 IHII/McLaughlin Colloquium on Infection & Immunity. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. March 2015.


  1. P Patel, B Walton, J Vellucci, S McCammon, MP Underbrink. Esophageal Stricture and Pharyngocutaneous Fistula: An Analysis of Techniques in Primary Pharyngeal Reconstruction in Total Laryngectomy. 2014 Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Research Poster Session.  June 2014 (*winner Faculty Women’s Caucus Award for Excellence in Research)


  1. J Jones, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. HPV transformed cancer cells are associated with altered levels of CXCL7 and invasion of mesenchymal stem cells.  2014 Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Research Poster Session.  June 2014.


  1. R Styer, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. The HPV E6 protein causes altered chemokine levels and associated migration of mesenchymal stem cells.  2014 Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Research Poster Session.  June 2014.


  1. J Wang, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. Identification of novel interacting proteins to low-risk human papillomavirus e6 by proteomics. 2014 IHII/McLaughlin Colloquium on Infection & Immunity. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. March 2014.


  1. S Mutasa, R Rodman, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. Genetic Dysregulation in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. 2012 Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Research Poster Session. June 2012.


  1. M Behrens, CJ Dupuis, MP Underbrink. The Low Risk HPV E6 proteins cause Bak degradation in keratinocyte cell cultures.  2011 Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Research Poster Session.  June 2011


  1. MP Underbrink, KM Bedard, C Perez, HL Howie, DA Galloway. “Beta HPV E6 proteins and their role in apoptosis and telomerase activation.” University of Washington Microbiology Department Meeting. Leavenworth, WA  2006


  1. MP Underbrink, K Bedard, C Perez, DA Galloway. “The role of beta human papillomaviruses in skin cancer”.  Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center Human Biology Division Meeting.  Semiahmoo, WA  2005


  1. KM Bedard, MP Underbrink, C Perez, DA Galloway.  “The E6 oncoprotein from cutaneous HPVs:  Functions in keratinocyte transformation”.  Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center Human Biology Division Meeting.  Semiahmoo, WA  2005


  1. MP Underbrink. “Laryngeal Anatomy”. 'Laryngology – Office Based Procedures', jointly sponsored by the University of Washington, Department Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Office of Continuing Medical Education and the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. Seattle, WA. March 18 - 19, 2005.




Wang J, Villeger R, Pinchuk IV, Underbrink MP.  “HPV-16 E6 protein upregulates IL-6 expression to promote stem cell like properties in keratinocytes” (In preparation)


Yantis MG, Venkatesan NN, Alexander RE, LeConte B, Underbrink MP. “Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: A New Diagnostic Paradigm” (In preparation)


Patel PB, Patton S and Underbrink MP.  “Origin of Deep Space Neck Abscess”. (In preparation)


Underbrink MP, Waugh P, Maronian N, Wener M, Hillel A.  “Autoimmune diseases of the larynx”.  (In preparation)


Patton S and Underbrink MP.  “Correlation of the Reflux Finding Score with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease”. (In preparation)







  1. MP Underbrink. “Transoral Robotic Surgery and HPV oropharyngeal cancer”. Lecturer. Robotic Surgery 101 Minimester, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. September 1, 2015.
  2. MP Underbrink. “Updates on Endoscopic Management of Subglottic Stenosis”.  Grand Rounds Series. UTMB, Galveston, TX.  May 2015.
  3. MP Underbrink, L Sonstein, S El Said, O Ojo. Improving Inpatient Patient Satisfaction (Care Provider Scores).   Grand Rounds Series:  Part II. Title:  “Patient Satisfaction – How can you help?” UTMB, Galveston, TX.  Departments of General Surgery, Otolaryngology.  May/June 2014
  4. MP Underbrink, L Sonstein, S El Said, O Ojo. Improving Inpatient Patient Satisfaction (Care Provider Scores). Lecturer. Grand Rounds Series:  Part I. Title:  “Patient Satisfaction – How can you help?”  UTMB, Galveston, TX.  Departments of General Surgery, Otolaryngology, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Orthropedics, Neurosurgery, Urology and Neurology.  March/April/May 2013.
  5. MP Underbrink. “Airway Management.” Lecturer.  UTMB, Fundamentals of Critical Care Seminar, UTMB Multidisciplinary Educational Seminar Series, Departmentof Anesthesiology, Galveston, TX.  September 22, 2012


  1. MP Underbrink. “Airway Management.”    UTMB, Fundamentals of Critical Care Seminar, UTMB Multidisciplinary Educational Seminar Series, Departmentof Anesthesiology, Galveston, TX.  February 25, 2012.


  1. MP Underbrink and AM Soltani. “Vocal Cord Dysfunction:  Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management”.  UTMB, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology and UTMB,Department of Otolaryngology/HNS, Division of Laryngology Joint Educational Conference.  League City, TX. October 28, 2011.


  1. MP Underbrink. “Nasal & Sinus Anatomy.”  UTMB, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Didactic Conference. Galveston, TX. April 2011.


  1. MP Underbrink. “Endoscopic Management of Upper Airway Disease”.  Byron Bailey Surgical Society Annual Meeting, jointly sponsored by the UTMB, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Office of Continuing Medical Education.  Galveston, TX.  June 27, 2010.


  1. MP Underbrink. “Tracheotomy:  Why, When and How?”  UTMB Department of Pulmonology, Didactic Conference. Galveston, TX. May 2010.




  1. MP Underbrink. “Endoscopic Airway Management: Updates in Treatment Options.” Texas Medical Association 2017 Meeting. Houston, Texas. May 2017.


  1. MP Underbrink. “Endoscopic Laser Treatment of Early Glottic Cancers”.  Guest Lecturer. MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Cancer Grand Rounds. Houston, TX. July 2008.
  2. P Underbrink. “The HPV E6 protein and apoptosis.”  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Grand Rounds. Seattle, WA.  April 2007.


  1. MP Underbrink. “Autoimmune Diseases of the Larynx”. Lecturer. University of Washington Annual Research Symposium. Seattle, WA.  June 2005.






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