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Enlarged Adenoids and Sleep Apnea

October 4th, 2016 | 1 min. read

By James Martin, MD

dreamstime_xxl_14302979In our last blog, we wrote about the struggles of living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and what factors can lead to OSA. As a trusted ENT clinic in Katy, we want to help patients understand exactly what's causing their OSA, and what they can do to overcome it. One possible cause of sleep apnea is enlarged adenoids, and if that's the case, it's important to treat them as soon as possible. At Houston ENT & Allergy, we can provide precise diagnosis and treatment options for any adenoid problem.

Adenoids and OSA

Adenoids are lymph tissues that sit in the back of the nasal cavity, and while you can see your tonsils (if you still have them) by opening your mouth wide in front of a mirror, you're adenoids aren't visible. Like the tonsils, adenoids trap germs as they enter the body, and this can lead to chronic sore throats and inflammation. If the adenoids are inflamed, they can restrict the airway and lead to obstructive sleep apnea.

The adenoids are very important for young children, as they help fight off infection, and as the child grows, the adenoids often shrink and disappear. However, older children and adults can still have issues with their adenoids, and if you feel that you or your child are experiencing OSA because of enlarged adenoids, it's imperative to see an ENT specialist as soon as possible.

When you schedule an appointment with our Katy clinic, you'll receive friendly and knowledgeable care from the moment you call. We want to help you breathe, sleep, and live better!


Author: James Martin, MD


Learn More About Pediatric Sleep Apnea Here!

James Martin, MD

Dr. Martin is double boarded in Otolaryngology as well as Sleep Medicine and the only otolaryngologist to be board certified in Sleep Medicine in Fort Bend County.