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Understanding Balance Disorders

June 9th, 2016 | 1 min. read

By Houston ENT & Allergy

Many people know that balance disorders are often caused by problems with the inner ear, but unless you receive treatment from an ENT specialist, you might have a hard time understanding or coping with a balance disorder. At Houston ENT & Allergy in Katy, our doctors and staff have seen all types of balance disorders, and we will do our best to help you understand your condition. Once we know what is causing the issue, we will be able to effectively treat it. We've outlined two balance disorders below.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)*

*also known as Positional Vertigo

If you've ever bent down to look at something and changed the position of your head, only to be met with a spinning sensation, you could be experiencing benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), or positional vertigo. The otoconia, which are small crystals of calcium carbonate in the inner ear, weigh on the cupula, which is responsible for spatial orientation. Due to this weight, the cupula is unable to send the proper information to the brain regarding the head's position, and this causes vertigo.


Labyrinthitis is an infection or inflammation of the inner ear, and can be caused by respiratory problems, such as the flu. Labyrinthitis can lead to dizziness and loss of balance, and our doctors will be able to diagnose this condition during your examination.

If you have trouble standing, walking, or maintaining your balance, it could be due to an inner ear disorder. Schedule an appointment with our Katy ENT clinic, and we'll help you understand and overcome your balance issues.