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Your Adult Tonsillectomy

December 27th, 2016 | 2 min. read

By Houston ENT & Allergy

If you’re constantly battling chronic sore throats, strep throat, or tonsillitis, it could be a good idea to have your tonsils removed. Many people have their tonsils removed when they are a child, but if you’re someone who’s still hanging on to those tissues, they could be causing more issues than you have the time or energy with which to spend. At our Southwest Houston ENT clinic, we can provide treatment and surgery to remove your tonsils, and do away with the issues that are keeping you home from work, from maintaining a steady social life, or from enjoying life to its fullest.

Tonsil Stones

Another problem that can arise in adults who still have their tonsils is tonsil stones. These stones are lumps of calcified material that form in the tonsils, and they can lead to soreness, bad breath, ear pain, and more. They can be even more of a reason to have your tonsils removed, as the sensation of something being chronically stuck in your throat can get old very quickly. At Houston ENT, we can properly diagnose your tonsil stones and recommend if a tonsillectomy is the right course for you.

Recovery Following Surgery

Following your tonsillectomy, it’s important to be prepared to take a few days off work. There will be pain, and the ability to eat or talk will most likely be diminished. Your level of pain will differ from that of other adults who have had their tonsils removed, and it’s important to be patient with your body while it heals. It’s important to get plenty of sleep, but it’s also important to keep your throat soothed with ice or water. If your throat becomes too dry, your pain and discomfort level could increase. Your diet will most likely consist of foods that are easy to swallow, such as broth or applesauce, but be sure no meal is too hot or too cold, as your throat will be very sensitive to temperature for a few days. Spicy foods are definitely a no-no, so if someone brings you a meal from your favorite Houston Tex-Mex spot while you’re recovering, you’ll have to decline. Hard or crunchy foods should also be avoided, as they can scratch your healing throat and cause bleeding or irritation.

Be Aware of Problems

You may see small flecks of blood in your saliva or mucus following surgery, but if you notice any bright red blood, it’s important to seek medical treatment or visit the emergency room immediately, as postoperative bleeding can be a very serious matter. If you have a fever that spikes above 100 degrees, please let us know right away. Dehydration is also a cause for concern, and breathing problems (following the first week after surgery) should be addressed as soon as possible.

If you’re an adult who thinks that it might be a good idea to have your tonsils removed, please contact our Southwest Houston ENT clinic for treatment today. We will schedule a surgery time that works for you, and make sure you’re prepared for the operation and the recovery that will follow.